Experienced and dedicated Full Stack Developer with over 4 years of experience in planning, designing and implementing complex web applications using JavaScript, React, Node and much more.
Email: mateohoxha26@gmail.com
Phone: +355 676990680
10/2019 - 10/2020
10/2018 - 08/2019
Full Stack Web Application which consists on creating your own profile to share your products or services on different categories and others get notified to buy your products/services. Functionalities like: authentication, authorization, CRUD, filtering, searching, subscription to newsletter to get notified by email etc are included. The main technologies used are: React, Redux, Bootstrap, Node, Express, MongoDB
Social Media web application for developers where you can create your own developer profile to interact with other developers by asking or answering questions. The main technologies used are: React, Redux, Bootstrap, Node, Express, MongoDB.
Mobile app built with React Native and Firebase. It consists of authentication, authorization, CRUD for products, adding to cart and ordering products
Built a simple web application which consist on searching user profiles based on their username and display all necessary information in real-time by leveraging data from GitHub API